Spencer Platt, Getty Images
The uncertainties of the economy and stock markets over the past decade have created an attitude of ?spend now, rather than lose it in the future.? One New Jersey investment expert calls that wrong-headed thinking.
Mercer County investing expert Ken Kamen says one of the legacies of the past ten years? which he calls the, ?flat decade? for markets? is that some have lost faith in investing and saving. Kamen says it would be the mistake of your life. He says just like economies, markets have a way of leveling out.
He says there are no magic bullets, it is all about homework and patience. Kamen says, ?it is boring, no one likes to hear that. But the truth of the matter is, savings is an important thing, and investing in equities is just one place to put your savings.?
Kamen says, ?save or invest whatever you can.?
He points out that many industries, most especially technology, will continue to grow in the future, so those who invest with those industries will likely grow their investments. Kamen also points out that as the middle class spreads around the world, more people are going to create a demand for the products that we have in America, and that speaks well for the growth trends looking forward.
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Source: http://nj1015.com/some-sour-on-investing-or-saving-audio/
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